
Showing posts from March, 2007

005 - Performing Installation (1.2)

Exam Objective 1.2: Perform an OS installation from CD/DVD for SPARC-, x64-, and x86-based systems. Installing or Upgrading on a SPARC Machine 1. Insert the installation media into the drive 2. Boot the system 3. Start the Solaris installation program by booting from the CD or DVD ok boot cdrom ok boot cdrom -text (desktop session) ok boot cdrom -nowin (console session) 4. Select the language 5. Answer the system configuration questions 6. Select whether you want to reboot the system automatically. 7. Specify the media you are using to install 8. Select whether you want to perform an initial installation or an upgrade 9. Select the type of installation     Select Default Install --> the Entire Solaris Software Group     Select Custom Install -->     Install a specific software group     Install specific software packages     Install a specific locale     Customize the disk layout 10. Answer any additional configuration questions, if you are prompted. ...

004 - Installing Solaris 10 Software (CX-310-200 1.1)

Exam Objective 1.1: Explain the Solaris 10 OS installation and upgrade options for CD / DVD, including how to provide Minimal Installations for SPARC, x64, and x86-based systems. Hardware Compatibility: Solaris 10 OS supports the SPARC and x86 families of processor architectures: UltraSPARC, SPARC64, IA-32, and AMD64. Hardware requirements Platform - SPARC or x86 systems Memory - Min: 64MB , Recommended: 256MB GUI-based installation: 384 MB or higher SWAP  - Default: 512MB. Processor - SPARC: 200 MHz or faster.x86: 120 MHz or faster. Disk - Min: 12GB Different installation methods Install one system interactively (locally). - Use the Solaris installation CD-ROM or DVD . Install one system over LAN. - network-based installation. Automatic installation of multiple systems based on profiles created by the system administrator that contain the installation requirements. - Use Custom JumpStart. Replicate the same software and configuration on multiple systems...

003 - CX-310-202 Exam Objective

1.1 Control and monitor network interfaces including MAC addresses, IP addresses, network packets, and configure the IPv4 interfaces at boot time. 1.2 Explain the client-server model and enable/disable server processes. 2.1 Explain virtual memory concepts and given a scenario, configure, and manage swap space. 2.2 Manage crash dumps and core file behaviors. 2.3 Explain NFS fundamentals, and configure and manage the NFS server and client including daemons, files, and commands. 2.4 Troubleshoot various NFS errors. 2.5 Explain and manage AutoFS and use automount maps (master, direct, and indirect) to configure automounting. 3.1 Analyze and explain RAID (0, 1, 5) and SVM concepts (logical volumes, soft partitions, state databases, hot spares, and hot spare pools). 3.2 Create the state database, build a mirror, and unmirror the root file system. 4.1 Configure role-based access control (RBAC) including assigning rights profiles, roles, and authorizations to users. 4.2 Analyze RBAC configurat...

002 - CX-310-200 Exam Objective

1.1 Explain the Solaris 10 OS installation and upgrade options for CD/DVD, including how to provide Minimal Installations for SPARC, x64, and x86-based systems. 1.2 Perform an OS installation from CD / DVD for SPARC, x64, and x86-based systems. 2.1 Explain the Solaris 10 OS directory hierarchy, including root subdirectories, file components, and file types, and create and remove hard and symbolic links. 2.2 Explain disk architecture including the UFS file system capabilities and naming conventions for devices for SPARC, x64, and x86-based systems. 2.3 Use the prtconf and format commands to list devices, explain critical issues of the /etc/path_to_inst file, and reconfigure devices by performing a reconfiguration boot or using the devfsadm command for SPARC, x64, and x86-based systems. 2.4 Given a scenario, partition a disk correctly using the appropriate files, commands, and options, and manage disk labels using SMI and EFI labels as they relate to disk sets. 2.5 Explain the Sol...

001 - Sun Certified System Administrator (SCSA)

Reference Links: Sun Certified System Administrator (SCSA) Overview Solaris 10 Operating System Certification Learning Path To obtain SCSA, we have to achieve 2 exams: - Part I - Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 Operating System (CX-310-200) - Part II - Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 Operating System (CX-310-202)



Cutey Cat


Smart Cat


[蘋果日報 2007-03-21] 世 界 睡 眠 日 是 國 際 精 神 衞 生 和 神 經 科 學 基 金 會 於 01 年 發 起 的 一 項 全 球 睡 眠 和 健 康 計 劃 , 旨 在 引 起 人 們 對 睡 眠 重 要 性 的 關 注 , 定 於 每 年 3 月 21 日 舉 行 。 該 日 是 每 年 的 春 分 , 是 不 少 北 半 球 國 家 曆 法 認 定 的 初 春 第 一 日 , 意 味 季 節 變 換 的 周 期 性 和 睡 眠 的 晝 夜 交 替 規 律 , 與 人 類 的 日 常 生 活 息 息 相 關 。 目 前 已 有 60 多 個 國 家 和 地 區 參 與 , 每 年 均 有 不 同 主 題 , 今 年 是 「 健 康 睡 眠 與 和 諧 社 會 」 。

肥佬黎對話 2007-03-20

Recommanded Firefox Add-ons

Adblock Plus - Block ads and banners. Add Bookmark Here - Add a menuitem "Add Bookmark Here..." to Bookmarks Menu. Adsense Notifier - Displays your Adsense earnings on the statusbar. Close All Tabs - A Toolbar Button To Close All Open Tabs Colorful Tabs - Colors every tab in a different color and makes them easy to distinguish while beautifying the overall appearance of the interface. Fasterfox - performance and network tweaks for Firefox. Firebug - Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your fingertips while you browse. Firefox Extension Backup Extension (FEBE) - backup your Firefox extensions. LinkChecker - Check the validity of links on any webpage. NoScript - A preemptive approach prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality. Tab Mix Plus - Tab Mix Plus enhances Firefox's tab browsing capabilities. Viamatic foXpose - Click on the icon in the status bar to view all...

CentOS - an Enterprise-class Linux

CentOS 就是用 Redhat Enterprise 的 source code 做成的, 可以更新又不用花錢的好物。

ConvertZ - 中文簡繁內碼轉換器

ConvertZ 是一個中文內碼轉換器,讓您能輕鬆地對純文字檔案或剪貼簿內容在big5/gbk/unicode/utf-8/jis/shift-jis/euc-jp各種內碼之間自由轉換,解決不同地區因為應用不同編碼而產生的溝通問題。


[蘋果日報 2007-03-20] 律 師 在 法 庭 上 多 稱 呼 法 官 為 「 法 官 大 人 」 或 「 法 官 閣 下 」 , 然 而 代 表 政 府 的 資 深 大 律 師 陸 貽 信 , 昨 日 在 死 因 聆 訊 中 稱 呼 死 因 裁 判 官 陳 碧 橋 時 卻 口 快 快 , 爆 出 一 句 「 法 官 大 『 下 』 」 , 令 庭 上 人 士 都 忍 俊 不 禁 , 全 場 爆 笑 。