Linux - “find” practical examples
Case 1: find the files modified within 24 hour
shell> find / -mtime 0
# 0 = the current time, so 24 hours from now.
# find / -mtime 3, so the files modifed 3 days ago (3*24 ~ 4*24 hours)
Case 2: find the files under /etc, if the files are newer than the file - /etc/passwd
shell> find /etc -newer /etc/passwd
Case 3: find the files under /home, owned by userabc
shell> find /home -user userabc
Case 4: find the files, nit owned by anybody
shell> find / -nouser
Case 5: find the file, named “passwd”
shell> find / -name passwd
Case the files with attribute “f”
shell> find /home -type f
Case 7: find the files with attribute SGID/SUID/SBIT
shell> find / -perm +7000
# 7000 = —s–s–t
Case 8: find the files with attribute SGID/SUID/SBIT, then display in “ls -l”
shell> find / -perm +7000 -exec ls -l {} \;
# {} = [the find results]
# \; = [the end of “-exec”]
Case 9: find the files larger than 1MB
shell> find / -size +1000k
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