Six teenagers were arrested by British police on suspicion of attacking websites, the country's National Crime Agency (NCA) announced on Friday. The teenagers were users of the hacking group Lizard Squad and used the Lizard Stresser tool, software that allowed them to pay to take websites offline for up to eight hours at a time, according to an NCA statement. The tool works by using Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which flood web servers or websites with massive amounts of data, leaving them inaccessible to users. Those arrested in the operation coordinated by NCA were all teenage boys aged from 15 to 18, while two other suspected users of Lizard Stresser were arrested earlier this year, the NCA said. The suspects are thought to have maliciously deployed Lizard Stresser, having bought the tool using alternative payment services such as Bitcoin in a bid to remain anonymous, the NCA also said. Organizations believed to have been targeted by the suspects in...